What to do When You don’t Know What to do

Do you want to start learning a new skill or a bunch? Or do you want to start creating a new fashion collection or a new illustration, but you don’t know what to do first?
Have you ever wondered what to do when you don’t know what to do?
This is one of the biggest struggles my students and people sending me emails are having. They want to do a bunch of amazing things, but they don’t know where to start.
They get paralyzed by the options, the possibilities, and the what-ifs that they get stuck for a while.
And it’s happened to me too, more often than what I’d like to admit, so today I want to help you get started when you don’t know what to do whether because you have too many options, or because you’re afraid of the outcome…
So let’s start!
You can watch the video or read the post, whatever you prefer 😉
Okay, the best way to start doing anything when you don’t know what to do is to start with play.
Yep, that easy.
When you don’t know where to start, then start with what makes you feel the happiest + most joyful. Start playing around, or start with what’s easier, but always start with joy.
When you do things from a place of joy and play, you remove all the fears and judgment of what you’re doing + the process + the outcomes. And you can completely focus on the task, and the happiness it brings you.
When you focus on starting with play, the options you have in front of you are dramatically reduced. You stop messing around with what you “should” do, and you pour your whole attention to what makes you happy.
And besides feeling joyful and amazing for doing what makes you feel good, you’re also opening yourself up for more opportunities because when you’re doing something out of joy you’re doing it with your heart, and you’re pouring the best of you in it, instead of just delivering meh results, meh creations, and meh everything.
At the beginning of the video I mentioned, I’ve felt stuck not knowing what to do, and this actually happened last month.
I kept myself stuck not knowing what to do for a couple of weeks. I just wrapped up a project with a client, and I started to feel anxious and kinda desperate because I really didn’t know what to do next.
- I knew I “should” land more clients
- I knew I “should” network with some bloggers and influencers to get the word out about me and my work
- I knew I “should” create more videos, blog posts, and Instagram pics because when I work with clients, I get so focused on their work that I can’t keep up with my channels
- I knew I “should” revamp my fashion illustration portfolio and create more illustrations and designs
- I knew I “should,” I knew I “should”, I knew I “should” do a lot of things.
So, what did I do?
Get up from bed pretty late, get out of the house, watch Netflix, play with my pups, hang out with my husband, and pretty much anything that could distract me from making a decision.
I kept doing that for a couple of weeks, feeling a bit more anxious and more guilty day by day. Until Allan, my husband, told me: “why don’t you just start with what’s more exciting? Wouldn’t that be easier?”
And Oh My GOD! He was so right! (Love you, babe! 😘)
So I ditched everything out of my paper planner, Trello, and my own head. And I started asking myself what’s the most exciting thing for me right now?
“What’s the most exciting thing for me right now?, what’s the most exciting thing for me right now?, what’s the most exciting thing for me right now?”
And it hit me:
- I want to create more personal projects
- I want to grow this amazing community around FSBS; I want to be of help to them
- And I’m excited about moving to Italy this year!
Those are the most exciting things to me at the moment of recording this, and those became my primary focus.
So, I decided to create a printable + illustrated travel planner. I decided to create more videos + posts + illustrations. I decided to set up a Patreon page for everyone eager to get more out of me and this blog + my channel. And that’s what I’m starting to do.
I’m starting with play.
So, it’s time for you to try it now!
- Grab a piece of paper and a pen.
- Take a deep breath.
- And ask yourself “what’s the most exciting thing for me right now?”
- Now write it down.
Sometimes the answer is not as clear as we’d like because there’re so many things in our heads. But keep writing what’s the most exciting thing to you at this moment, and take note of patterns or repeating words.
Then go and do the thing with all your heart and trusting yourself 😉
To finish…
Okay, that’s it for today! I really hope this video and this little tip have inspired you to take action right now.
And, now I’d love you to tell me in the comments:
- What’s the most exciting thing for you right now? How will you start with play?
If you liked this video + post share it with your friends!
Also, if you want to support me in the creation of more videos like this, and more illustrations like those in my Instagram, now you can become a Patreon! I have some great goodies for everyone pledging and helping me make more of what I love – so, head to my Patreon page to learn all about it and join 😀
See you on the next video…. Bye!!

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(With LOVE!)