Fashion Design + Fashion Illustration Tutorials

Oh my goodness! I’m so excited for today’s post because today starts a NEW SEASON here at Fashion Step-by-Step!!
So, today I just want to share the ways I’m here to help youhere on the blog and over the Fashion School 😉
You can watch the video or read the post, whatever is most convenient for you 😉
If you want to become a fashion designer, a fashion illustrator, or a surface pattern designer + be profitable + do what you love for a living, you are in the right place!
My journey began ten years ago when I started teaching myself all things about fashion, illustration, and surface pattern design. And before even graduating from industrial design, a little over eight years ago, I landed my first project as a fashion designer.
Now, I have nine years working in fashion and five years teaching. And, during this time, I’ve realized that to become a fashion creative you only need three things:
- Grow your skills
- Discover your authentic style
- Show up and share your work.
It doesn’t matter how you do that; with formal education, books, internships, workshops, or online courses. What is important is that you give your all every step of the way.
But, when I started teaching other people, I noticed that persons in a similar situation like mine when I began learning fashion were lacking two things:
- Step-by-step and in-depth resources that helped them grow their skills and discover their authentic style.
- And confidence in their skills and their dreams to show up and share their work.
Actually, this wasn’t new to me. I didn’t have lots of how-to resources at my disposal; only a couple of books, and the tools I could afford at a certain time. And, I was always afraid that people wouldn’t take me seriously because of being self-taught in fashion.
And that’s why I founded Fashion Step-by-Step, to help you grow your skills and discover your authentic style with step-by-step tools and resources. And to help you show up and share your work with confidence because it doesn’t matter how you obtain your knowledge + experience, what matters is your talent + your ideas + the things you can create.
I’m here to encourage you to follow your dreams and to bring you everything you need to make them happen.
So, how can I help you?
Well, I know how lonely, confusing, and stressful it can be to learn + try to make a name for yourself as a fashion creative. And I know that having someone who could help me in my journey would’ve been fantastic and crazy helpful.
So, instead of going alone and figuring it all out by yourself (like I did), now you can use the free and premium resources that I’ve created, and that I’m creating on a consistent basis, to help you in every step of the way. Whether you’re just starting out growing your skills, trying to figure out and discovering your authentic style, or making the leap and building your business.
1 | Free Resources + Content (AKA Fashion Design + Fashion Illustration + Surface Pattern Design Tutorials)
I share all kinds of free training + tools + resources on my Blog, my YouTube channel, and my Newsletter. Things like guides, mini-ebooks, video series, preview lessons, and articles teaching you how to do something fashion related, and sharing my own journey and my work as a fashion creative.
2 | Fashion School + Fashion Courses
And, the Fashion School is the platform I built within Fashion Step-by-Step to host all the premium courses I’ve created for you. Each course is carefully and specially designed to hand-hold you step-by-step through all the lessons. Making easy what seemed hard, and encouraging you every step of the way.
My goal is to help you discover your talents, nurture and harness your skills, and feel proud and confident about your work, so you follow your dreams and make a living as a fashion creative.
To finish…
I invite you to grab a new notebook and go to the blog, read + watch each post + video, take notes, and follow the action steps given.
Then, visit the fashion school here at Fashion Step-by-Step, take a look at the available courses, watch the free preview lessons, and sign up to the course that you need the most right now to move forward in your fashion journey.
Great, so now you know all the different ways I’m here to help you, you can find the links to all of them below – I’m eager to see you on the other side!
- Blog
- YouTube
- Newsletter
- Free Resources
- Fashion School + Courses
- My Etsy Shop with all kinds of Printable Planners
Thank you so much for stopping by, and see you on the next video… Byeee!!