How to Become a Fashion Illustrator – Step 3

Do you want to become a fashion illustrator but don’t know how or where to start? If so, this video + post is for you!
This video is part 3 of the video series on how to become a fashion illustrator. If you haven’t watched videos 1 + 2, follow this link.
You can watch the video or read the post, whatever is best for you 😉
Building your biz and showing up.
This step is all about:
- What your business is made of
- What are your offerings whether they’re products or services
- How you work with people
- How you take them from hiring you or from purchasing from you to the final product or service
- And, how you market yourself, your work and your products or services
This step is also about showing up and sharing who you are, letting the world know about you, your work, your talents, your style; it is about sharing your skills and everything that makes you YOU and everything that is part of your work with confidence – letting aside the comparison and the perfectionism that I know we all creative suffer.
So, how do you start building your biz and showing up?
Let’s see.
1 | Determine your target market
The number 1 thing you have to do is to in who is your target market, you know, the persons that you would love to work with or create for.
And this is the step number 1 because over the time that you’ve been building and nurturing your skills and discovering yourself you have realized what kind of work you prefer to do and what kind of people prefer and love that work.
2 | Create offerings that your target market at
The next step is to create offerings that your target market loves.
This is tricky especially if you are starting out and if you haven’t sell any products or any service yet, but this is crucial, especially if you want to grow your business on the long term.
You can start with friends or friends of friends, like I did when I was selling my handbags, and determine if those persons are your ideal or dream clients. Take note of this:
- What are the things that they would love to see you creating?
- What are the things that they will enjoy?
- Or maybe a friend comes to you and tells you, “oh my God! This illustration is so dreamy. It could be amazing if you had it in an iPhone case or in a notebook or in a tote” or whatever.
Those are hints that you can start collecting and jotting down in your journal.
And also make sure that those offerings, whether they’re products or services, are also things that you are excited about and that you want to create.
3 | Build your portfolio (or shop)
The next thing is building a portfolio that sums up who you are, your authentic style and your ideal or dream clients, especially if you are a service-based business.
This is important because you want to show and share who you are as an artist, and what are your skills + your talents. And at the same time, you want to start attracting the kind of people that would love to work with you and who would love to have especially that kind of pieces.
If you end up with a portfolio with pieces that you don’t like or with illustrations that you didn’t enjoy creating, then you would be attracting people that want that kind of work (No more please!). So, that’s why it’s important to focus on work that you love, work that represents you, and work that attracts your ideal clients.
And, if you are a product-based business it’s important to have an effective shop:
- Having products, that represent you as an artist or as a brand
- Having products that your ideal market loves
4 | Learn new stuff or delegate it
You will also have to learn a skill or delegate some stuff and create the whole system of your new business. And that includes admin work, accounting, planning, branding, marketing or promotion, photography, building your website and also the production of the products if needed.
5 | Market and promote your biz + work
And the final step is to market and promote your business and work, especially on the platforms that your ideal clients like to hang out, and also your website and in other blogs and magazines.
Nowadays, you have the whole world at your fingertips, and it is so great because you can reach your ideal clients or your dream customers through social media like Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr, and also through Facebook.
The key here is to focus on the platforms that your ideal clients like to hang out. If she likes to be in Instagram and only Instagram, then, focus on Instagram. If she likes to be on Twitter and also likes to pin things on Pinterest, then focus on those things. That’s pretty it.
So that’s step number 3 in this series on how to become a fashion illustrator. Yay!
Now you know the 3 steps to becoming a fashion illustrator, which are:
- Nurturing your skills number
- Discovering your authentic style
- Building your business and showing up
And now you know that you can go from one step to another once you feel confident and strong about it. So, if you’re ready to complete phase 3, follow the step-by-step I gave you in this video and start building your business and showing up.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this video series, I had so much fun creating them, and I enjoyed every minute of it😆
In the meantime, find the 3 videos of this series right here, and if you want to learn more about the courses that I have at the fashion school, you can check out them right here.
All subscribers have a 20% off on all courses, so feel free to grab that SPECIAL PRICE 😊
That’s it for today, thank you so much for watching. Give it a thumbs up if you like the video, share it with your friends, and subscribe to know when more videos are coming. Bye!

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(With LOVE!)