How to Overcome Comparison, Perfectionism, and Feeling not Good Enough

The most harmful obstacles we face as creatives and artists come from ourselves as comparison, perfectionism, and feeling not good enough.
I know it’s really hard to feel those feelings, so today I want to share with you the most effective tips to combat this little sneaky bugs. 😉
Are you ready??
You can watch the video or read the post, whatever is most convenient for you 😉
Well, by now you’ve may felt or got to know that comparison + perfectionism + feeling not good enough are the worst enemies for us artist and creatives.
These sneaky feelings take away all the joy of creating your art and work, and make it a painful quest to finish just one design or one illustration.
And I’m here to tell you that that’s got to finish.
You’re here to create all the beautiful and amazing work that you crave for, all the great and gorgeous designs and illustrations that you imagine, and you’re here to become the artist and creative that you want to be.
But first, we gotta get rid of comparison + perfectionism + the feeling of not being good enough.
1 | Stop making assumptions.
Making assumptions about the people we see all over social media, blogs, and youtube channels is quite easy because most of the times we only see the good stuff, the good news, the Instagram-worthy picture of their lives.
But, in reality, we don’t even know.
We don’t know how long they have been working + pushing + taking action towards their dreams. These persons may seem like an overnight success or just like lucky people, but they might’ve been doing their thing for years before you’ve discovered them.
They may appear like the super amazing ultra talented artists that came out of the blue when actually they‘ve been learning, fine-tuning their skills, exploring and experimenting, and creating artwork for YEARS.
This is a truth bomb that I wasn’t aware of, but it truly changed my way of viewing myself and other people.
So, I really hope you can stop making assumptions because you don’t deserve to compare your journey to anyone else’s, all you would do with that is to diminish the worth of your work + your talent, and at the same time, you’d be blocking all sorts of opportunities.
2 | Allow yourself to learn + grow.
The antidote to perfectionism is to allow yourself to learn and grow.
Your journey and your work are all about learning, making progress, making improvements, and growing as an artist.
If you just want to create all the masterpieces from the get-go, from the beginning, you’re missing a lot along the way. You would miss all the knowledge and experiences of going from total newbie to amazing expert; you’d miss the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, make tweaks from your observations, and get to know yourself as the artist and creative you are.
There wouldn’t be any growth.
Your job as an artist and as a fashion creative is to learn and grow. There’s no space for perfection or perfectionism. Just allow yourself to learn and grow.
3 | Show yourself some grace for all the things you’ve learned and created
Your journey so far has brought you all kinds of experiences and lessons, you’ve probably made some mistakes, and you’ve created great things as well.
Then, honor all those lessons + experiences + creations. Show yourself some grace and let yourself know that you’re awesome at what you do because of all the things that you’ve created.
Because no one else made them, it was you pouring your heart and mind, moving your hands, and making your vision real.
Let yourself feel proud of the steps you’ve given, happy about the work you’ve created, and good enough to keep moving forward.
To finish…
Making use of these tactics takes time and diligence, just as everything else, but with practice, you’ll notice you enjoy more and more your creation process. You’ll see how you stop caring about perfection and change your focus to growth + progress. You’ll start seeing yourself as someone as good and creative as all the people you admire. And you’ll LOVE your journey so far, and every step of the way 🙂
That’s it for today! I really hope this video and theses tips have inspired you to knock these feelings out of your life.
And, now I’d love you to tell me in the comments:
- How comparison, perfectionism, and feeling not good enough have affected you as an artist and fashion creative?
- And what are your tips to fight these bugs?
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See you on the next video…. Bye!!

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(With LOVE!)