The Roadmap to Build YOUR Fashion Business – plus a super fun quiz!

When you have a new dream + goal…
When you have a new dream and goal is quite easy to get lost in the joy and excitement, and it’s your go-to option to start doing random things that you truly believe will be helpful, but actually are not taking you anywhere – that happened to me a lot, when I decided to become a fashion designer + illustrator, when I decided I wanted to build my freelance business, and when I started working in fashion.
We want that dream to come true so bad, that we just do things and learn things without a plan, without knowing if we’re making progress, and without feeling we’re making any progress.
I know how you’re feeling, I know what it takes to build a business you love doing what you want, and I know it would’ve been easier for me if I’d made some things a bit differently – more planned 😛
That’s why I created the Roadmap to Build your Fashion Business, this is a tool that will keep you on track towards your dream and your goal of building a business in fashion. And, it’ll guide you through the steps you should take before you’re completely ready to launch your business (strong + confident + prepared to succeed!).
Are you curious?
Great! This is the Roadmap to Build your Fashion Business

As you can see, the roadmap is divided into three sections; these sections are the phases of your preparation towards your goal. Each phase is different, and they have their own and unique milestones.
To use the roadmap properly, you first have to:
- Clarify your destination
- Then figure out your current location within the roadmap (what phase, and what milestone)
- And finally, use the milestones as a guide for what you have to do from now and until you’re ready to launch your business 😀
Are you ready?!
1 | Clarify your destination
On my post Yes, you can!, you told me WHAT you want to do, and WHY it’s super important to you. By defining your WHAT + WHY you established your end goal: your destination.
For some people that destination can look like this:
The first (pink) and the second (coral) parts of these statements can be interchangeable to create other kinds of destinations. Your end goal is yours, and it can be similar to these examples or completely different. But all of these destinations (and yours should) have in common 2 things, they define:
- What you’re going to do, and
- How you’re going to do it
A lovely example is from one of my students, Kellsi:
“I want the freedom to create, inspire, and influence humanity. I want to excite the hearts of people with beautiful creations, giving them a touch of ‘truth, beauty, and goodness’ to add to their world.”
Play with your destination, it is your dream, and it can have and be whatever you want 🙂
So, write your destination down, and keep it close because you will need it all along your journey.
Okay, now you know where you’re going, but then what? How do you know what you should do now? How do you keep on track?
You need a plan. You need to trace the path you have to take from where you are to where you want to be. That’s where the roadmap will be helpful, but first, keep reading 😉
2 | Figure out your current location
Now that your destination is clear, it’s important to know your current location so that you can know what steps you should take afterwards.
When your destination looks like the examples I gave you before. When you want to build a thriving business being a fashion creative/artist (you know, fashion designer, fashion illustrator, or surface pattern designer), you have to follow certain steps + you have to complete certain tasks. And when you finish them in order and purposefully, everything will be a lot easier for you than being like a headless chicken doing random things randomly.
All the steps you must fulfill before launching your business are included in the Roadmap to Build your Fashion Business, which you’ve seen already. As you know, this roadmap has three phases, and they determine how close you are to your goal + what you must do now. These are the phases:
- Starting out
- Skilled but confused
- Almost ready!
Sometimes it’s quite easy to identify your location within the roadmap, like when you’re super new and you just decided to learn and pursue a business or career in fashion.
Other times confusion gets in the way, and it’s harder to know if you should continue with the next step. And sometimes you don’t even know what the next step is!
So, I prepared a little + FUN quiz to help you determine your location within the roadmap, and a quick guide for each of the results (the phases :D)
Here’s what to do:
- Follow the quiz
- When you’re finished continue with the next step on this page
- And click the link that corresponds to your result 😉

3 | Your current location + milestones
What are your results? What is the phase you’re located at? Click in any of the images below, according to your quiz results.
This is just the beginning of this FANTASTIC journey, and the fun will just increase 🙂
Now that you’ve taken the quiz + know the phase you’re located at, it’s time to get a little narrower. So, take a look at the milestones from the phase of your results, see what steps you’ve completed so far, and determine what milestones you still have to complete (this is your exact position within the roadmap).
You can continue your journey from there, and track your progress as well.
And remember to tell me at what phase of the roadmap you’re located, what’s the next milestone you have to complete, and your thoughts on this resource 😉 – share with me in the comments!
See on the next resource, byeeeee!

P.S: Have you seen the COURSES I have for you at the Fashion School?
They’re FUN + COMPREHENSIVE + AFFORDABLE! If you want to go deeper in your learning and complete those milestones faster, go check them out 😉
Just click the button below.